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works_produced_with_gregorio [2020/07/08 22:38] admin [Works in progress] |
works_produced_with_gregorio [2024/10/23 17:21] (current) igneus [Works in progress] remove (long defunct) Editio Sancti Wolfgangi |
*[[|Missel vespéral 809]]: Mass and Sunday Vespers, with texts in Latin and French | *[[|Missel vespéral 809]]: Mass and Sunday Vespers, with texts in Latin and French |
*[[|Gregorianisches Brevier]]: a book of hours for the Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gebetsbruderschaft | *[[|Gregorianisches Brevier]]: a book of hours for the Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gebetsbruderschaft |
*[[|Editio Sancti Wolfgangi]]: Roman-rite editions (extraordinary form) for the dioceses of the Czech Republic | |
*[[|Ferial English Propers]]: antiphons for weekday and sanctoral Masses | *[[|Ferial English Propers]]: antiphons for weekday and sanctoral Masses |
| |
works_produced_with_gregorio.1594247930.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/08 22:38 by admin