Tex Cheat Sheet

Here is a quickie list of tex options that can affect the Gregorio output.

tex code Description
``\gretextformat#1`` Style of the text of the scores
``\greinitialformat#1`` Style of the large initial
``\grebiginitialformat#1`` Style of a large initial two lines tall
``\gretranslationformat#1`` Style of the translation
``\grehighchoralsignstyle#1`` Style of the high choral signs
``\grelowchoralsignstyle#1`` Style of the low choral signs
``\greabovelinestextstyle#1`` Style of the text above the lines
``\greitalic#1`` Text in italics
``\gresmallcaps#1`` Text in small capitals
``\grebold#1`` Bold text
``\grett#1`` Monospaced (typewriter style) text
``\setbiginitial`` Make double-sized initial. Must be called before ``\includescore``
``\gresetfirstlineaboveinitial{}{}`` Add indications above the Initial. There are two brackets (one for each parameter): 1=your text 2= the same text if you want it aligned with the top of the staff. ust be called immediately before the \includescore without an intervening blank line
``\commentary{}`` Commentary text - place it in the brackets. Must be called immediately before the ``\includescore`` without an intervening blank line.
``\setfirstannotation{\tiny myText}`` First Annotation text (replace myText with whatever you like) - it is for the Antiphon label
``\setsecondannotation{\tiny \sc{myText}}`` Second Annotation text (replace myText with whatever you like)
tex code Description
``\greremovelines`` Removes completely the staff lines
``\greremoveclef`` Removes the keys
``\gresetstafflinefactor#1`` Changes the thickness of the staff lines. 10 is the default value. You can only put integers here
``\UseAlternatePunctumCavum`` Changes the shape of the punctum cavum
``\GreDisableEOLShifts`` Slightly changes the beginning of line algorithm.
``\GreEnableEOLShifts`` Restores the default spacing at the beginning of lines.
``\greusemensuralstyle`` Change the style of some signs
``\greusehufnagelstyle`` Change the style of some signs
``\greusemedicaeastyle`` Change the style of some signs
``\GreDontHidePCLines`` Unhides the staff lines behind the punctum cavum
``\GreHideAltLines`` Hides the staff lines behind the alterations.
tex code Description
``\spaceabovelines`` Space above the staff
``\spacelinestext`` Space between the baseline of the text and the bottom line of the staff
``\spacebeneathtext`` Space below the staff
``\translationheight`` Space dedicated to a translation of the text, if there is one
tex code Description
``\setgrefactor{}`` Change the size of the entire score by placing a whole number in the brackets.


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