====== Common Unicode Characters ======
====== á é í ó ú æ œ Æ Œ ǽ Ǽ † ✠ ℟ ℣======
[[unicode_characters|See here]] for a more comprehensive list of unicode characters.
====== gabc Special Codes ======
Basically, if you put certain character sequences between the "special" tags, you get "special" characters.\\
^ gabc input ^output ^
| ''V/'' |{{:gregowiki:vslash.png}} |
| ''R/'' |{{:gregowiki:rslash.png}} |
| ''A/'' |{{:gregowiki:aslash.png}} |
| '''ae'' |{{:gregowiki:ae-accented.png}} |
| '''oe'' |{{:gregowiki:oe-accented.png}} |
| ''~'' |~ |
| ''+'' |{{:gregowiki:dagger.png}} |
| ''bold'' |**bold ** |
| ''italic'' |//italic // |
| ''
'' | __underlined__ |
| ''smallcaps'' | !!smallcaps!! |
| ''monospace'' | ''monospace'' |
*Also note that if you want to render a ``~`` character in the text area of the output, you have surround it with the special tags like this: ``~`` -if you don't put it in tags, the ``~`` simply will not show.
====== gabc Notation Summary ======
You can download a copy of this Cheat-Sheet from [[https://www.dcmembers.com/bgmcoder/download/gabc-cheat-sheet/|this site]]
There is also this page in the [[http://gregobase.selapa.net/?page_id=53|GregoBase]].
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